
Through our Education Initiative partnership with Expercraft, we are able to offer "Simple Log" project logging for Education Initiative participant schools and organizations through this web site. "Simple Log" is an outstanding web-based tool which helps you track the progress of an aircraft construction project, including costs, and creates a publicly-viewable web site of your project's construction log.
In order to foster a sense of community among Sonex Education Initiative participants, and as a way for Sonex Aircraft, LLC to ensure that education-discounted products are, in fact, being used in the organized education of youth, participation and maintenance of Expercraft Simple Log accounts on this site is mandatory to Sonex Education Initiative participation.
We know that creating and maintaining project log can be a challenge in a group/educational situation. Here are a few options for making log entries:
- If you have a computer in the classroom or available nearby building, set aside 15 minutes at the end of the lesson for creating a log entry.
- Take lots of digital pictures. A basic camera is quite inexpensive to acquire if you don't already have one.
- Appoint a "computer expert" from among your students to be in charge of creating the log entries. Rotate this position among your students.
- Let the kids log in to Expercraft Simple Log from home and add entries as a homework assignment.
- Take on the task of logging yourself, if you have the time. It is actually very easy.
- Use the web site generated from your log to keep other faculty, students, parents and financial boosters in touch with your project. It is a great way to brag about how much the kids are learning.
If you have any questions or problems concerning Expercraft Simple Log functionality on the Sonex Education Initiative web space, please contact the Sonex Web Team: sonexweb@sonexaircraft.com |
Log-In to your Simple Log Account |
Full-Scale Sonex Aircraft Projects |
- Pathways to Flight Foundation
Dubois County Airport (KHNB)
Huntingburg, IN
Director: Eric Seber
Email: PathwaystoFlight@gmail.com
- Candler Field Museum Youth Mentorship Program
See the Press Release about the Candler Field Sonex kit donation!
349 Jonathan's Roost Road, Hwy 362
Williamson, GA 30292
Instructor: Ron Alexander
Phone: 770-467-9490
- College Station HS / Brazos Valley Flyers (EAA Chapter 1531)
See the Project on Local TV!
PO Box 1284
Hilltop Lakes, TX 77871-1284
Instructor: Clarence Ranck
- Bridgman High School
View Expercraft Simple Log
9964 Gast Rd.
Bridgman, MI 49106
Instructor: Hanns Heil
Phone: 269-465-6848
- James Madison Memorial High School
View Expercraft Simple Log
201 S. Gammon Road
Madison, WI 53717
Instructor: Ben Senson bsenson@madison.k12.wi.us
Phone: 608-663-6379
- Independent School District 196
4187 Braddock Trail
Eagan, MN 55123-1575
Instructor: Bob Knodt
Phone: 651-683-6900 Room 3171
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Engineering Physics
1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Instructor: Mark Anderson, PhD
Phone: 608-263-2802
- Jesuit University of Guadalajara
ITESO (Technological Institute of Superior Western Studies)
PAP (Professional Application Projects) Program
View Expercraft Simple Log
Mechanical Engineering students with an interest in aviation will use the Sonex project to fulfil their senior year PAP (Professional Application Project) requirements.
Periférico Sur Manuel Gómez Morín 8585
Tlaquepaque, Jalisco
Mexico C.P. 45090
Instructor: Alberto Mariscal amarisca@iteso.mx
Phone: (33) 36693434 (3139)
- Build to Fly, Inc.
Build to Fly is a non-profit organization established in 2007 with the goal of building airplanes with local youth and community members. The organization is currently working with Colgate University students, and will soon expand to involve younger students in their programs. Build to Fly is currently building Sonex S/N 1158 from plans, and new students are using Sonex Education Starter Packs to develop their skills before working on the actual aircraft.
P.O. Box 46
Hamilton, NY 13346
Founder: Brett Zefting brett@buildtofly.org
Phone: 410-905-6712
- Ranges TEC
View Expercraft Simple Log
The Ranges TEC program is an effort run by ACMA (Australian Centre for Mission Aviation) to offer aircraft maintenance training programs to high school students, with a goal of constructing one aircraft per year.
135 York Rd.
Mount Evelyn, VIC 3796, Australia
ACMA CEO: Bruce Searle bruce@acma.vic.edu.au
Phone: (03) 9739 0612
- Southern California Aviation Mentoring
11516 Lonesome Valley Road
Leona Valley, CA 93551
Director: Anthony Unger tonyatgenesis@yahoo.com
Phone: 661-510-6351
- EAA Chapter 228 - East Valley Institute of Technology
View Expercraft Simple Log
Thanks to a generous private donation of Waiex kit#W0152, EAA Chapter 228 has formed a partnership with East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT) to construct the kit with high school students as-part of their existing aviation curriculum.
6625 S. Power Road
Mesa, Az 85212
Director of Aviation Programs: Capt. Al "Gusto" Mittelstaedt AMittelstaedt@evit.com
Phone: (480) 308-4613
- National Science and Technology Development Agency: NSTDA - Thailand
The NSTDA will be using a Onex Complete Airframe Kit for an airplane building engineering camp for high-school students in Thailand. The aircraft will be built entirely by high school kids from many schools throughout Thailand.
111 Thailand Science Park (TSP), Phahonyothin Road
Khlong Nueng, Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand
Project Lead: Sawat Tantiphanwadi sawat@nstda.or.th
Phone: +66(0)2-564-7000
Sonex Education Starter Pack Projects |
- Bradford District High School
Bradford District High School has integrated Sonex Education Starter Packs into their 11th grade Aviation Technology program.
70 Professor Day Drive
Bradford, ON L3Z-2A3 Canada
Instructor: Michael Cino mcino@mail.scdsb.on.ca
Phone: 905-775-2262 ext.322
- Build to Fly, Inc.
Build to Fly is a non-profit organization established in 2007 with the goal of building airplanes with local youth and community members. The organization is currently working with Colgate University students, and will soon expand to involve younger students in their programs. Build to Fly is currently building Sonex S/N 1158 from plans, and new students are using Sonex Education Starter Packs to develop their skills before working on the actual aircraft.
P.O. Box 46
Hamilton, NY 13346
Founder: Brett Zefting brett@buildtofly.org
Phone: 410-905-6712
- EAA Chapter 1158 Air Camp
First Air Rangers, Wing 1 is an aviation education program through the Parker Christian Center in which youth study various aspects of the aviation industry including ground school, powerplants, aircraft structures, and aviation careers. First Air Rangers, Wing 1 has implemented Sonex Education Starter Packs in their program.
12829 E. Oregon Dr.
Aurora, CO 80012
Instructor: Stan Decker srdecker@hotmail.com
Phone: 303-751-2431
- First Air Rangers, Wing 1
First Air Rangers, Wing 1 is an aviation education program through the Parker Christian Center in which youth study various aspects of the aviation industry including ground school, powerplants, aircraft structures, and aviation careers. First Air Rangers, Wing 1 has implemented Sonex Education Starter Packs in their program.
12829 E. Oregon Dr.
Aurora, CO 80012
Instructor: Stan Decker srdecker@hotmail.com
Phone: 303-751-2431
- Foresthill High School Aero Tech Program
Foresthill High School has introduced an Aero Tech Program, founded by Sonex S/N 57 builder and Forsthill Sheriff's Substation Sheriff Roger Dillon. The Aero Tech Program has begun using Sonex Education Starter Packs, and ultimately aspires to build an AeroVee powered Waiex.
6175 Happy Pines Drive
Foresthill, CA 95631
Instructor: Roger Dillon rdillon@sacsheriff.com
Phone: 916-606-2534
- George T. Baker Aviation School/Experience Aviation
The George T. Baker Aviation School is a high school level FAA Part 147 school preparing students for the FAA A&P licenses. Baker Aviation is using several 30- and 50-Student Sonex Education Starter Packs in a program sponsored by Barrington Irving's Experience Aviation organization.
3275 NW 22nd Ave.
Miami, FL 33142
Principal: Sean Gallagan sgallagan@dadeschools.net
Phone: 305-871-3143
- High Flight Adventures
High Flight Adventures is an Aviation Youth Camp in Ottawa, ON Canada offering multi-day camp experiences for youth ages 12-17, and will be incorporating Sonex Education Starter Packs into this summer's camp activities.
2146 Brianna Way Orleans, ON K4A-4E6 Canada
Director: Michael Bourget mike@highflight.ca
Phone: 613-841-7100
- Lakehead Public Schools
Lakehead Public Schools in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada is using Sonex Education Starter Packs with Specialist High Skills Major students registered in Aviation. LPS Aviation Program Brochure: http://www.lakeheadschools.ca/content/media/2082.pdf
125 South Lillie Street
Thunder Bay, ON P7E-2A3 Canada
Instructor: Gerald Cornies gerald_cornies@lakeheadschools.ca
Phone: 807-625-5167
- Mount Royal Collegiate
2220 Rusholme Rd.
Saskatoon, SK S7L-4A4 Canada
Instructor: Glenn Moody moodyg@spsd.sk.ca
Phone: 306-683-7800 Fax: 306-657-3350
- Questar III (New York State Board of Cooperative Education Services [BOCES])
Questar III provides more than 250 instructional and support services to its 23 school districts with about 40,000 students in Rensselaer, Columbia and Greene counties of New York State. Questar III also provides additional services to approximately 600 school districts and all 37 BOCES in New York State. The Columbia-Greene Educational Center in Hudson, NY will be using Sonex Education Starter Packs to introduce their students to the principles of aircraft construction.
131 Union Turnpike
Hudson, NY 12534
Instructor: John Mahony
Phone: 518-828-4157
- Radnor High School
Radnor High School is utilizing Sonex Education Starter Packs in their Project Lead the Way affiliated Aerospace Engineering introductory course curriculum.
130 King of Prussia Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Instructor: Chris Kelly chris.kelly@rtsd.org
Phone: 610-293-0855 ext.8036
- Sanford Middle School
Sanford Middle School is using Sonex Education Starter Packs as part of an elective course on flight for 12-14 year old students.
1700 French Avenue
Sanford, FL 32771
Principal: Mark Russi mark_russi@scps.k12.fl.us
Phone: 407-320-6150
- Thomas Wathen Center
The Thomas Wathen Center is using Sonex Education Starter Packs as a pre-cursor to a full Waiex project build, donated by a Sonex Aircraft customer!
4130 Mennes Ave., #24
Jurupa Valley (Riverside), CA 92509
Donor/Project Lead: David Cole whirli2@aol.com
Phone: 951-683-2309
- Walter Murray Collegiate
1905 Preston Ave.
Saskatoon, SK S7J-2E7 Canada
Instructor: Shane Armstrong armstrongs@spsd.sk.ca
Phone: 306-683-7850
Sonex Education Partner:  |