Peer Support:
The Sonex Education Initiative encourages both Instructors and Youth to stay connected to their peers in other Education Initiative participating programs through the use of our free on-line discussion groups. Two groups are offered to program participants:
"Sonex Teachers" is intended for teachers and volunteer instructors only, giving them a chance to connect and discuss the unique challenges and opportunities of building an aircraft project for the education of young people.
"Sonex Students" is a discussion group for Education Initiative students, giving them a unique opportunity to connect with their peers in educational aircraft construction from around the globe. Sonex Education Initiative participant schools or organizations wishing to utilize this outstanding peer networking tool must have their instructors serve as group moderators and will be responsible for verifying student login accounts and moderating discussion group behavior.
If you have any questions or problems concerning these peer support groups, please contact: mark@sonexaircraft.com
Sonex Education Discussion Groups |
To Create a New Account:
Both of these discussion groups are hosted by Yahoo Groups and owned by Sonex Aircraft, LLC.
Sonex Teachers: Current and prospective Sonex Education Initiative participant teachers and volunteer instructors are invited to join. The group is open to anyone interested in furthering aviation education opportunities for our youth. Follow the link and click the "Join This Group" button: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sonexteachers
Sonex Students: Students of Sonex Education Initiative participating schools may join this group. When signing-up please use your real name, or use your real first name and your school's name as your last name if you are concerned about privacy issues. Your participation in the Sonex Education Initiative will be verified with your teachers before group membership is approved and your teachers will also be moderating this group. Teachers may send Sonex Aircraft, LLC an advance list of students to speed this approval process. To join, follow the link and click the "Join This Group" button: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sonexstudents |
Sonex Education Partner:  |